
Meaning of Dierdre

Dierdre is a beautiful and unique name of Irish origin. It is pronounced as DEER-druh (/ˈdɪərdrə/) in English. This name has a rich mythological association, as it is the name of a tragic heroine in Irish legend, often associated with sorrow and beauty. Dierdre has been used for baby girls in the United States, with varying popularity over the years. In recent decades, it has been less common but still maintains its timeless appeal. With its captivating history and lyrical sound, Dierdre makes an enchanting choice for parents seeking a name with depth and character for their daughter.



  • Pronunced as DEER-druh (/ˈdɪərdrə/)

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Notable People Named Dierdre

Dierdré A. Snijman - Dierdré "Dee" Anne Snijman is a prominent South African botanist and plant taxonomist known for her extensive research and writing on bulbs, having described over 120 species and receiving the 1997 Herbert Medal for her work on Amaryllis.
Laura Hamilton
Curated byLaura Hamilton

Assistant Editor