
Meaning of Janise

Janise is a female name with English origin. It is pronounced as juh-NEES (/dʒəˈniːz/). The variation of this name is Janice. Janise has been given to baby girls in the United States since at least the 1930s. While its popularity has fluctuated over the years, it remains a recognizable and well-established name choice for parents. In recent years, Janise has ranked around the 5000th most popular name for baby girls in the United States. It carries an air of elegance and sophistication and may be associated with qualities such as strength, intelligence, and grace.



  • Pronunced as juh-NEES (/dʒəˈniːz/)

U.S. Popularity Chart

Notable People Named Janise

Janise Yntema is an American painter known for her encaustic technique, with solo exhibitions in New York and internationally, and her works are featured in museums across Europe and the United States.
Evelyn Grace Donovan
Curated byEvelyn Grace Donovan

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