
Meaning of Nila

Nila is a feminine name with various origins and associations. It is pronounced as NEE-luh in both American English and British English, as well as in Italian and Spanish. The name Nila has variations such as Nyla and Neela. In terms of popularity, data for the newborns in the United States shows that Nila ranked 1511th in 2022, with 142 occurrences. Over the years, its ranking has varied, with a peak rank of 8050th in 1993. Despite its fluctuations, Nila remains a timeless choice for parents looking for a unique yet beautiful name for their baby girl.



  • Pronunced as NEE-lah (/ˈ


  • Pronunced as NEE-luh (/ˈniːlə/)

U.S. Popularity Chart

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Notable People Named Nila

Nila Madhab Panda is an acclaimed Indian film producer and director known for creating socially relevant films on issues such as climate change, child labor, and education.
Nila northSun - Nila NorthSun is a renowned Native American poet and tribal historian.
Isha Chatterjee
Curated byIsha Chatterjee

Assistant Editor