
Meaning of Ramya

Ramya is a female name with origins in India, specifically Tamil and Telugu languages. It is pronounced as RAHM-yah (/ɹɐm.jɑ/). Ramya has variations such as Ramyah. In terms of popularity in the United States, the name Ramya has been given to newborn girls consistently over the years. In 2022, it ranked 9004th, with 11 occurrences. The name has had varying ranks throughout the years, but it has remained within the top 10,000 most popular names for baby girls. Ramya carries a sense of cultural heritage and uniqueness, making it an appealing choice for parents seeking a meaningful and distinct name for their daughter.


Indian (Tamil),Indian (Telugu)

  • Pronunced as RAHM-yah (/ɹɐm.jɑ/)

U.S. Popularity Chart

Similar Names to Ramya

Notable People Named Ramya

Divya Spandana, also known as Ramya, is an Indian actress, producer, and politician who has worked in Kannada and Tamil language films and served as a Member of Parliament in the Lok Sabha from Mandya, Karnataka.
Ramya Krishnan, also known as Ramya Krishna, is a renowned Indian actress who has worked in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, and Hindi films, and has received numerous awards for her outstanding performances.
Ramya Pandian is a popular Indian actress in Tamil language films, recognized for her roles in Joker and Aan Devathai, and for her appearance on Bigg Boss Tamil Season 4.
Dr. Ramya Mohan is a multi-talented British doctor of Indian descent, known for her work as a psychiatrist, educator, musician, and artist, with a background in Bangalore Medical College and the UK's National Health Service.
Elena Torres
Curated byElena Torres

Assistant Editor