
Meaning of Shelly

Shelly is a female name with English origin. It is pronounced as SHEH-lee (/ˈʃɛl.i/). The name may also be spelled as Shelley. Shelly has been given to girls in the United States since at least the early 20th century. Over the years, its popularity has fluctuated, but it remains a recognizable and classic choice for parents. In recent years, Shelly has ranked between 4500 and 5000 in terms of popularity, with approximately 25 to 30 newborns receiving this name each year. While Shelly does not currently rank among the top names, it still carries a sense of timeless charm and familiarity.



  • Pronunced as SHEH-lee (/ˈʃɛl.i/)

U.S. Popularity Chart

Notable People Named Shelly

Shelly Manne - Sheldon "Shelly" Manne was a versatile American jazz drummer known for his contributions to West Coast jazz and his work in various other styles, as well as his impact on the music of Hollywood films and television.
Shelly Fairchild is an American music recording artist who gained recognition with her debut album "Ride" and the single "You Don't Lie Here Anymore".
Shelly Sanders is a Canadian journalist and English-language novelist.
Shelly Altman - Michelle "Shelly" Altman is a prominent American soap opera writer, recognized for her work on popular daytime soap operas like Another World, General Hospital, and One Life to Live.
Carmen Elena Vasquez
Curated byCarmen Elena Vasquez

Assistant Editor