
Meaning of Tamya

Tamya is a female name with English origins. It is pronounced as TAM-yuh (/ˈtæm.jə/). The name has variations such as Tamiya. In the United States, Tamya has been given to baby girls since at least the 1950s, with varying levels of popularity over the years. In recent years, Tamya has been consistently chosen for newborns, with around 15 occurrences in 2022 and ranking at 7250. The name Tamya carries no specific associations or meanings, allowing parents to embrace it purely for its unique and modern sound.



  • Pronunced as TAM-yuh (/ˈtæm.jə/)

U.S. Popularity Chart

Rita Antonieta Salazar
Curated byRita Antonieta Salazar

Assistant Editor