
Meaning of Lucero

Lucero is a beautiful name for a baby girl with origins in both Italian and Spanish. In Italian, it is pronounced as loo-CHEH-roh (/luˈkeɪəro/), while in Spanish, it is pronounced as loo-SEH-roh (/luˈseɪəro/). The name Lucero has a variation called Lucera.

In the United States, Lucero has been steadily gaining popularity over the years. In recent times, it has consistently ranked between 1000 and 2000 in terms of occurrences. In 2022, there were 146 newborns named Lucero, placing it at rank 1487. While its popularity may have varied slightly from year to year, Lucero remains an attractive choice for parents seeking a unique and meaningful name for their daughter.

Lucero carries with it associations of brightness and light. It can be seen as a symbolic representation of illumination and positivity. With its rich cultural heritage and melodic sound, Lucero is a name that exudes beauty and grace. Consider naming your little girl Lucero if you are drawn to names with elegant charm and a touch of exoticism.



  • Pronunced as loo-CHEH-roh (/luˈkeɪəro/)


  • Pronunced as loo-SEH-roh (/luˈseɪəro/)

U.S. Popularity Chart

States Popularity Chart

Notable People Named Lucero

Lucero Hogaza León is a multi-platinum Mexican singer and entertainer, known for selling over 16 million records worldwide and often referred to as "La Novia De America".
Claudia Renata Soto
Curated byClaudia Renata Soto

Assistant Editor